Individual Post #4

Hashtags are keywords used to highlight a particular topic within a tweet. It categorizes a problem or a trend. People who use popular hashtags have more influential profiles on twitter, and their voices are heightened, and their opinions are taken under notice—those who don’t use hashtags and have a minimum number of followers (Murthy, 2013). You also have the option to block or mute people or information you don’t like, to suppress their point of views.

Informative material is shared in different forms. Your feed shows information in which you are interested only if you follow. Information is circulated on the entire platform in the form of articles, links, conversations, pictures, lectures and videos (Murthy, 2013). There is not a particular way of sharing information. People share it in the most convenient ways.

Twitter helps in many ways. It provides information on trending topics. It helps in providing people’s perspective. New interventions are discussed in there, so it provides reviews of many things. It gives both types of education (Murthy, 2013). Open education is the one which is without academic admission and is given online without even paying, and it can be described as distributed education which is gained from non-centralized locations independent of time and place. You can also mute certain words so that similar information related to that word won’t show up for digital redlining.

Draws backs of twitter include cybercrime, harassment, sharing of unethical information and bullying. Learners and educators exploit others. Misinformation, rumours and fake news spread outside the community within no time (Murthy, 2013). On the contrary, learners spend most of their time on twitter instead of studies.

Twitter can help to access to education with the help of TwitterChat. Online sessions are helpful to access education. Open conversation in online classes is very helpful for this purpose. In this way, confusions will be clarified, and information will be obtained while sitting anywhere around the world. Everyone has a different opinion towards the topic under discussion, so in online classes, people are allowed to share their opinions. In this way, we can also learn from others opinion and experiences (Murthy, 2013). The best part about this is that the session can also be recorded and can be watched later. So for those who are unable to join the class life, it is an opportunity. They can join the session later and contribute in class without missing any point.

Twitter is a microblogging service. Open pedagogy is directly related to open educational resources. OER enabled pedagogy is only possible with 5R context, which includes retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute (Wiley, 2018). It can make several copies, explore data by trending it, translate it into different languages and distribute it across the world.



Murthy, D. (2013). TWITTER: Social Communication in the Twitter Age. International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies, 66-69.

Wiley, D. (2018). Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy. Retrieved from IRRODL:


Final Reflection

From the Twitter chat and people’s point of view, open learning breaks new grounds these days and has elaborated itself in the field of education. They all agree that open learning for K-12 is a reliable technique for providing education to students without notebooks or books, and it only deals with online education and digital framework. TwitterChat is most important in open learning, according to them. It contributes to the gathering of many people on the same platform at a pre-determined time. #edci339 helps in the association between students and teachers and makes it easy for them to communicate. Some of them added that perks of #edci339 are that you can collaborate with buddies or teachers to clarify your confusion within no time. It is versatile for everyone. There are numerous links, articles, pictures, videos shared by the teachers and other students, which gives a lot of extra information that anyone can follow through. One can find endless knowledge on a particular topic with a single click. People are happy to connect from different regions of the world, and everyone comes up with his / her perspective. Countless people with no end of ideas when share with one another gives multitudinous ideas.

Polished and Revised Post

Original Post:

Pedagogy is the act of teaching, which is more elaborately described as a way of teaching in which theory and practice of learning are mostly taken under consideration. Also, the psychological development of learners is noticed (Wiley, 2018). It is used in several other ways, but here it is associated with education only. Some teachings adapt this way to understand the nature of their students. Open educational resources are easily attainable. Open resources have helped students a lot. It can be through videos, audios, or any other thing. Teachers or students can make videos related to the topic (Rebecca (Beck) Pitt, 2020). Videos can help others too and the voice notes can also be shared. Open resources are free for everyone. Presentations and tutorial videos can also be very helpful. Books, guides, pictures, or voice notes regarding lectures can also be posted on open educational resources. Summarized videos and notes are easy to post. These summarized videos can cover a lot of topics in very little time (Maimoona, 2017). OER enabled pedagogy should keep data on the digital platforms so that more people get advantage from it. The 5R permission is the characteristic of OER. Retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute are 5R permissions.

It must reuse the data again and again. The data must be saved, so if by chance, it gets deleted or corrupted, it was already stored. Its several copies should be made, which resembles the original one. Data must also be corrected if any mistakes are present. It must be examined properly. It should be distributed again, and several copies should be stored and sent further so that there is no chance of losing data, and people can easily access it. It is most important for teachers and learners to get it (Wiley, 2018). Teaching and learning are interlinked to one another. Teaching is passing on knowledge or information, and learning is taking all the knowledge which has been passed on. But for that, open resources are the best ones because it is the only place where you find every kind of information altogether. Here children learn according to their interests. They search about the topic in which they are most interested. No one imposes his/her choice on a child about what to learn and what not to. So OER Enabled Pedagogy is a complete platform of teaching and learning (Learning portal, 2018). Students undergo new experiences. They will understand technology more. Tutorials, videos, and online assignments will engage them. Teachers will also face new ways of teaching. Marking and grading will be easier. It will be within no time also sharing their answers and creations in the form of essays, articles, poems, tutorials, videos, and experiments openly, will develop more confidence in them, and their work will help the next generations. The answer to any question will be one click away. The only problem is that people need to understand the value of OER Enabled Pedagogy (Wiley, 2018). It is without academic tuition and textbook expenses. As soon as people realize its importance, no other learning pattern will be more appreciated than this.


Learning portal. (2018, March 2018). Effective and appropriate pedagogy. Retrieved from UNESCO:

MAIMOONA AL ABRI, N. D. (2018). Open Educational Resources: A Literature Review. Journal of Mason Graduate Research, 83-104.

Rebecca (Beck) Pitt, K. J. (2020, May 25). Supporting open educational practices through open textbooks. Retrieved from Taylor Francis Online:

Wiley, D. (2018). Defining OER-Enabled Pedagogy. Retrieved from IRRODL:

Individual Post #3

I have noticed that open learning is a vast field and it provides more opportunities for people. It is readily available on many platforms. It is precisely for people who choose to participate in learning experience because the information is openly available on the web, and people do so for the sake of their knowledge and not for any credit. This is neither included in any degree, nor they get marks for it (Coolidge, 2017). The authors mentioned that faculty spend 40% of their time in research and teaching and the remaining 20% on service. While according to my opinion faculty should do it 50 50. They should spend 50% of their time on research and the other 50% in teaching. The learning process also depends on you as a learner. It depends on how much effort you put in as a learner. Your participation in creating and sharing knowledge and your willingness to learn more and more. It also depends on your hard work and motivation (Coolidge, 2017).

Sometimes I wonder to create a platform which provides access to people. Still, some people can’t afford tuition fees and these expensive laptops and tablets. Why gaining knowledge is so much expensive. Why it takes so much, besides this, I wonder why students don’t have access to everything they want to search. Digital redlining did not allow access to every site (Gilliard, 2019). This privacy is imposed by school or college for students to remain in certain limits. Students feel unproductive when their researches fail due to lack of knowledge. The idea of being productive inspires me a lot. Platforms which prioritize the gathering of user data and then displays content based on past views allows open learning which provides education and awareness to many people. This kind of work inspires me which people do to make others aware and provide education on something while sitting home. People who work hard for others inspires me a lot (Gilliard, 2019).

I can post my research on an open learning platform so people could learn from my research. I will give equal opportunities to older individuals and try to learn the maximum from their knowledge. I will create space for people to perform. Space where learners could learn and older individuals to be the mentors.


Coolidge, A., Andrzejewski, A., Ashok, A., Hyde, A., Squires, D., Higginbotham, G., . . . University Teaching Fellow in Open Studies at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. (2017, August 29). Open Pedagogy. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

Gilliard, C. (2019, April 11). Press. Retrieved July 21, 2020, from

Individual post #2

I went through many changes of open education from this week’s reading. Jordan and Weller (2017) provided a brief outline of systems, philosophies, and technologies and their evolution in open education over the past 50 years (Major, 2015). This made me think about a better option for myself and the students. I perceive that it is important to consider the pros and cons of every method as a teacher or a student. I believe that it is the foremost duty of a teacher to maintain a friendly and challenging environment for students so that it leads them towards success.

An open education program for personal interests is the great aim of the course, expectations of the organization, prior knowledge, experience, and limitations of the students should also be considered. The assembled citation network by Jordan and Weller have will be a valuable resource to refer to if and when I merge elements of open learning into my methods. Learning more about elements made it easy for me to compare systems and see their advantages.

Being a school teacher, some changes can be made in a skillful manner but we are bound to follow others by the educational framework. Moreover, changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers will be favored. The teacher will teach through online classrooms from spring and students are facilitated both online and in-person. They have a choice for both as well. Like every other class, my film analysis  class was also disturbed so I decided to keep myself calm and be easier with the deadlines. Moreover, I gave them work that could be completed on their own. This policy gives more independence to teachers, and by the end of the year, we all concluded that using the same learning policy more and more is very useful. This provides facility to students as it also easy and it allows cooperation amongst teachers and financially it is of great advantage. Most importantly it helps in saving on group licensing (Major., 2015).

As far as my film analysis classes are concerned, I think it was good for some students and a struggle for others as some find difficulty in connecting. I will be appreciating this in future classes to continue to provide chances for students who want to learn and to extend their learning while maintaining the fundamental learning results that I would like all students to gain.


Claire Howell Major. (2015). Teaching Online – A Guide to Theory, Research, and Practice. Retrieved from (pp. 88-105)

Jordan, K., & Weller, M. (2017). Jordan, K. & Weller, M. (2017) Openness and Education: A beginners’ guide. Global OER Graduate Network.

Individual Post #1

After reading Stommel’s article, my view on Ed tech has changed. I used to thought Coursespace was just a “grading machine/grade book” for instructors. The phrase she mentioned in the article “If there is a better sort of mechanism that we need for the work of digital pedagogy, it is a machine, an algorithm, a platform tuned not for delivering and assessing content, but for helping all of us listen better to students.”(Stommel, 2018) Edtech has opened new opportunities for teachers as well as students as it has made it extremely easy for both of them to communicate with each other and to share study material. Edtech not only helps teachers but makes students’ learning experience more inclusive.

After reading Regan’s article, I personally find discrimination is a huge ethical concern. The example of InBloom provided in the article show that the discrimination by tracking and sorting of students on the basis of their grades in the United states. (Regan, 2019) It negatively impact students as labelling them makes them feel inferior to those who are a little more intelligent or are performing better than them. This discrimination being done through the use of Big Data & Edtech has been deemed as unethical by many because this leads to undesired competition and leads to hatred among the students.

After reading Vaughan’s article, I find the the concept of “blended learning approaches” very intriguing. The definition of blended learning is “the organic integration of thoughtfully selected and complementary face-to-face and online approaches and technologies”. I remember taking EDCI 335 learning design, it is a great example of the concept. Most of our learning is through blog and online discussion where students are able to interact with each other using various technology platforms. Even though we are unable to achieve learning face-to-face due to Covid-19, the instructor provides us feedback on projects via Zoom.



Stommel, J. (2018). An urgency of teachers: The work of critical digital pedagogy. Hybrid Pedagogy.

Vaughan, N. D., Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. AU Press. [Chapter 1]

Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019). Ethical challenges of edtech, big data and personalized learning: Twenty-first-century student sorting and tracking. Ethics and Information Technology, 21(3), 167-179. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-018-9492-2


Hi, my name is Alex. The reason I chose this course is that the online course makes my study time freer, making it easier for me to plan my time reasonably. I think I am a passive learner, and I prefer to be assigned homework so that I can plan well in advance and not make my usual planning too confusing. And I am looking forward to taking the course EDCI 339, and I hope I can learn some new knowledge in this course.

I think the reason why the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, digital privacy and security is essential because of the incidents of information theft and information theft is widespread. Therefore, for people to have a better open learning environment, it is necessary and effective to follow the FIPPA rules.

Thank you, and I hope I can get along with everyone in the process of taking this course.

Peer review

After visiting this site, my first impression was that its content was particularly explicit and very organized. Each link has corresponding information and explanations, making the entire site easy to operate and understand for visitors. The fascinating thing about this site is that it uses six topics to complete a general economics description. Because economics itself is a very complicated and intangible concept, for learners who do not understand economics, learning such topics will bring them a lot of pressure. However, after reviewing the six topics that your group has divided into economics, I think this helps the beginners of economics understand and make the concept of economics clearer instead of the original intangible and complicated First impression. Besides, the reference requirement time provided behind each topic is also a part I appreciate, since this resource is aimed at university-level students, not only those who are studying at university but also those who have graduated to work, so the learner’s bachelor time is not fixed. The self-study on the website allows learners to master their own learning rhythm and allocate learning time more reasonably to achieve a better learning effect.

After browsing the complete subject, I think that the teaching strategy of constructivism is mainly used. This teaching strategy encourages learners to reflect on the course content, evaluate learning progress, and acquire new knowledge through communication and cooperation with peers and mentors. The constructivist teaching strategy used in this course ensures that learners always feel actively involved and maintain a high enthusiasm for learning. You also mentioned that this learning course is suitable for single parents with two children in elementary school and full-time work. I particularly agree with this, not only because of the time issue you mentioned, studying economics may better help this group to manage their property and control their daily expenses.

In summary, I think your website is an excellent choice for self-students interested in economics. The progress of the site is clear, and learners can organize their time freely. I think this learning website will give learners a great help in the application and understanding of economics in life.

Prompt 4

I found the video “Food Safety Tips” on the YouTube platform is closely related to my subtopic, application of food studies in real life. This video tells a series about how to avoid foodborne illness and the seriousness of its harm to the human body.

Take notes and provide hands-on experience are always good ways for students to respond to the video on their own. In this video, the author separately cites a real-life example to correspond to each tip about food safety. This can help students better understand the reasons for each piece of advice, and because of the corresponding real-life examples, students can easily remember and apply these tips in their lives.

For me, all the work this activity brought me was to make a video and give feedback to students’ questions. Due to YouTube has comment and reply functions, this work is very manageable for me. Besides, just making a video can give many video viewers to have a clearer understanding of food safety and reduce the possibility of food poisoning is well worth it.

In addition, if you want to attract more attention from the audience or the student community, the content of the video is best to understand, close to life and straight into the theme.

The two potential barriers to loss of hearing and colour blindness will not be affected when watching this video. Because YouTube has subtitles, and the author of the video uses animations to show examples in life, both can help people who lose there hearing to understand the meaning of the video. On the other hand, it is the same for colour-blind people. The author has a short text description next to each animation, which is very friendly for colour blind patients and has a significant help for them to understand the video content.


Week 5 Prompt

COVID-19 has resulted in the closure of learning institutions across the globe. As a result, education has changed intensely with the distinct rise usage in e-learning where learning is embarking on digital platforms. These learning platforms provide an opportunity for children to keep on learning, engage in plays, and also connect with their friends, while at home. It involves establishing appropriate learning programs that can be followed online, on televisions, or radios. Studies indicate that online learning is very effective, about 60% of students can retain the content from online learning, unlike in ordinary classroom where they grasp about 10% of the material. This is mostly because learners can study faster online. Nevertheless, the success of online learning differs from a different group of students (Chick et al., 2020).

However, to enhance the effectiveness of these learning platforms, especially in the time of a pandemic, learning institutions and countries must work to ensure teachers have access to technology. For example, teachers are being provided free airtime to access educational material online. Education ministries are offering training to teachers on how to upload documents and engage more effectively in virtual learning. Teachers are also forced to innovate new ways by seeking feedback from their parents and school management. Moreover, online learning is accompanied by many challenges. The majority of students do not have reliable internet access and technology, and hence they are not able to engage in digital learning (Alhabeeb & Rowley, 2017).

In conclusion, strong school leadership is effective in enhancing training to teachers so as they can effectively undertake their jobs while still at home and also to promote successful online learning. This pandemic will provide and to strengthen the quality and equity in school systems since Countries will also need to devote necessary financing to lessen the bridge in digital gaps.  Also, it has shown teachers how they can succeed even in times of a crisis with the right technology and support system.



Alhabeeb, A., & Rowley, J. (2017). Critical success factors for eLearning in Saudi Arabian universities. International Journal of Educational Management, 31(2), 131-147.

Chick, R. C., Clifton, G. T., Peace, K. M., Propper, B. W., Hale, D. F., Alseidi, A. A., & Vreeland, T. J. (2020). Using technology to maintain the education of residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Surgical Education.

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